Monday, 4 April 2011

Short, but not bitter

Well I had a week off from both blogging and cycling. Slightly intentionally, but mostly as I was away in far away places on Wednesday and Thursday of last week! I made up for it this weekend though. Did a bit of gigging up in the 'capital' with the Frames and Elbow.

Had a good session in the gym on Saturday morning and a light cycle in the afternoon.  

Yesterday then I did the Lee Valley half route cycle twice:

Did 28km of mixed terrain: hills, rough roads, less rough roads

(...... the picture doesn't really do my description any justice but I'm sticking with it!)

then a nice straight road back into the city!

Last month i did just over 400km on the saddle. April is my month of upping my distances covered. I'm going to set my aim: by months end I hope to be completing 700km or more.  That means doing approximately 28-30km per day. That's doable. I do 10km to and from work already and another 20km in the evenings should be a doddle!  I'm aiming for the 60km Lee Valley route possibly next weekend.

So, just a quick catch up this evening with some photos of my route from yesterday! More later this week once I'm putting in the extra evening kms!

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